Item Type and Value Line Table

Notes for the this table:

All keywords are just one word! Those keywords which look like multiple words are joined by underscores ('_'). 

There must always be 5 things (numbers, single keywords, flag characters or flag character groups) in the value line! 

public_cost public_qp has_owner? owner_cost owner_qp
costs are in silver for weapon forging.
qp are charged for flag forging.
has_owner = 1 if anvil has an owner, else 0.
The anvil's owner's name, if any, must be the last of the anvil's keywords
acpierce acbash acslash acmagic 0
Use positive values for the AC 'improvement' values!
Remember to code the final '0'!
As a rule of thumb, AC in each class should be roughly one third of the equipment's level, with magic AC usually being a bit lower. 
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 FIL 0 0
Coaches may not be coded anywhere but in 'tours.are'!
The 3rd slot contains furniture-type flags (see 'furniture') to restrict occupants to sitting/resting/sleeping inside the coach. 
max_total_weight flags keyvnum max_single_weight weight_multiplier
is the maximum total weight of objects that can be put into the container. Weights are in pounds (note that object weights are in 10th pounds!) 
Container Flags
A: closeable B: pickproof AC: closed ACD: locked E: put on
vnum of key that fits, or 0 if none.
is the weight of the heaviest single object that will fit into the container.
is the factor, in percent, by which the weight of objects is multiplied for the carrier's load when those objects are put in the container. A value of 50 would make the total weight of all content items half the normal weight.
Examples:  Bag from grocery store:  50 0 0 5 100
King Arthur's backpack:  300 A 0 20 30
capacity current quantity 'liq_type' poisoned? 0
liquid types
see the Liquid Type Table.
1 if contents are poisoned, 0 if not.
Examples:  Newbie Coke:  150 150 'coke' 0 0
Holy Grail: 500 500 'water' 0 0
fillvalue satevalue 0 poisoned? 0
how filling the food is, i.e. how soon the player is unable to eat more.
how well the food stills (sates) hunger
1 if the food is poisoned, 0 if not.
Examples: big pot pie:  20 40 0 0 0
bread:  18 12 0 0 0
0 0 'liq_type' poisoned? 0
liquid types
see the Liquid Type Table.
1 if contents are poisoned, 0 if not.

It's possible to get poisoned by drinking directly from a fountain but not by drinking from a container filled from a poisoned fountain. (Seems like a quirk in the code)
max_people 0 furnitureflags manaregen hpregen
Furniture Flags
Pos'n at on in inside
stand A B C
sit  D E F
rest  G H I
sleep J K L
put M N O P
manaregen and hpregen
the rates at which a player standing / sitting / resting / sleeping at/on/in the item will recover mana/hp, in percent relative to the 'normal' rate achieved when on the bare ground. 100 represents this 'normal' rate. Current Dizzy policy is to allow no more than 150 regen rate. 
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Note: Songs for the juke boxes must be coded into file 'music.txt'. 
keep? 0 0 0 0
1 if the key can be kept over a player's QUIT, 0 if not.
0 0 hours_of_light 0 0
may be 0 (dead) to 998 (998 hours) or -1 (infinite). 999 also translates to infinite. 
0 0 0 0 0
Note: Objects of this type cannot be saved! 
skill_mod dice_bonus side_bonus 0 0
skill modifier
is added to the player's skill when determining the chance of a successful FORGE. The number is a percentage. Positive modifiers improve chances, with 100 making the forge certain. Negative values may be used to make it harder. Materials with good dice and side bonuses (see below) should have negative skill modifiers. 
dice bonus
is added to a fixed number to calculate the number of damage dice on the weapon created.
side bonus
is added to a random, level-based number to calculate the number of damage dice on the weapon created.
Because of the multiplicative effect of dice and sides in calculating a weapon's average damage, it is very difficult to create materials with well balanced results. If you create a new material, test it extensively before letting it loose in the world. The following examples may help: 
bar of adamantite:  -5 0 2 0 0
bar of stardust:  -25 0 4 0 0
bar of platinum:  -20 5 -5 0 0
Lastly, it is essential to put a HOLD flag into the wear location of the object, else it cannot be held and is useless. 
silvervalue goldvalue 0 0 0
This object type is used to code money lying around on the ground or in a container. When picked up, this object type magically transmutes into an increase in the taker's worth. 
current_ammo max_ammo fire_wait brokenness quality
is the number of paintballs already loaded. Should start at 0.
is the number of game pulses (at 0.25 sec each) a (mortal) player is lagged between shots.
tells how badly the paintball gun is damaged. 0 is mint condition, 25 is too damaged to function.
determines the shooter's chance of success: 
0:  25% chance to hit
25:  never jams
75:  100% chance of hitting
The wear location for paintball guns is HOLD, strangely enough. 
num_balls 0 0 0 0
Ammunition for paint ball guns 
spell_level 'spell1' 'spell2' 'spell3' 'spell4'
  • Spell names must be coded exactly as they are written in the game.
  • Spell names must be enclosed in single quotes ( ' ).
  • If a pill has less than 4 spells, the remaining slots must be coded as two single quotes: '' .
Example: red moss: 20 'cure critical' 'giant strength' '' '' 
num_charges exit_flag gate_flag room_vnum 0
The number of times this portal can be used before imploding. 0 gives an unlimited number of uses.
Normally 0. Coding B yields a closed portal passable only to immortals. Cannot be opened, either.
gate flags
A:  Normal exit (set this if no other flags are set)
B:  No curse (can't be used by people who are cursed)
C:  Go with (portal moves with the person using it)
D:  Gate buggy (5% chance it will teleport user to a random room)
E:  Random (will always teleport user to a random room)
The vnum of the room the portal should lead to. If the vnum is not that of an existing room, the portal will not work. If you code -1, the portal will operate as a random portal.
spell_level 'spell1' 'spell2' 'spell3' 'spell4'
Potions are coded the same way as pills. See pill for details.
spell_level 'spell1' 'spell2' 'spell3' 'spell4'
Scrolls are coded the same way as pills. See pill for details.
spell_level max_charges current_charges 'spell' 0
  • Code the 'spell' exactly as it is written in the game, inside double quotes.
  • Staves must be HELD to be BRANDISHed, so be sure to code HOLD into the wear location!
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
spell_level max_charges current_charges 'spell' 0
  • Code the 'spell' exactly as it is written in the game, inside double quotes.
  • Wands must be HELD to be ZAPed, so be sure to code HOLD into the wear location!
0 0 0 0 0
Warp stones must be HELD to be used, so be sure to code HOLD into the wear location! 
'wpn_class' dam_dice num_sides 'dam_type' wpn_flags
weapon class
One of: 'exotic', 'sword', 'dagger', 'staff', 'mace', 'axe', 'flail', 'polearm', 'whip' 
damage dice and number of sides
Damage inflicted by a weapon is determined by rolling 'dam_dice' imaginary dice, each having 'num_sides' sides.

To calculate the average expected damage, use the formula:
( dam_dice x num_sides + dam_dice ) / 2. 
damage types
keyword telling what kind of damage the weapon does.

Be sure to use only a keyword from the Damage Type Table
weapon flags
A:  flaming E:  vorpal
B:  frost F:  two-handed
C:  vampiric G:  shocking
D:  sharp H:  poison
 Back to #OBJECTS

  This page was last updated May 15, 2001