The Daily Dizzymud Gazette

Tuesday, 29 June 2004


Aayrez has attained level 53 to 55!
Carbon has attained level 2 to 5!
HoNeYgUrL has attained level 75 to 76!
Jimbo has attained level 32 to 36!
Kagon has attained level 68!
Miharu has attained level 3 to 9!
Ronn has attained level 43!
Roonwit has attained level 82 to 83!

Player kills by mobiles

Calesta has been killed by The murderer.
Carbon has been killed by a young squirrel Dibbun.
Carbon has been killed by An umbrella stand.
Jimbo has been killed by house.
Jimbo has been killed by The Guardian of Hell.
Jimbo has been killed by The Guardian of Hell.


Aayrez bought Her Father's Katana from Quark for 1 gold.

Best of the day:

Best Leveler todayMiharu with 7 levels!
Most mob-killed player todayJimbo with 3 deaths!
Most killed player todayJimbo with 3 deaths!
Most victorious mobile todayxgThe Guardian of Hell with 2 kills!
Most spent on auctions todayAayrez with 1 gold.!
Most profit with auctions todayQuark with 1 gold.!

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