The Daily Dizzymud Gazette

Thursday, 17 November 2005


Denard has attained level 26 to 28!
Kurai has attained level 44!
Misery has attained level 32 to 47!
Paige has attained level 32 to 42!
Slint has attained level 4 to 5!

Player kills by mobiles

Misery has been killed by Lost Soul.
Raska has been killed by Aquamarine Dragon.
Slint has been killed by the cityguard.
Slint has been killed by a snake-oil huckster.
Slint has been killed by A doom knight.
Slint has been killed by the cityguard.
Slint has been killed by a squirrel.

Best of the day:

Best Leveler todayMisery with 16 levels!
Most mob-killed player todaySlint with 5 deaths!
Most killed player todaySlint with 5 deaths!
Most victorious mobile todaythe cityguard with 2 kills!

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