The Daily Dizzymud Gazette

Monday, 25 December 2006


Bear has attained level 30 to 35!
Cagliostro has attained level 2 to 5!
DarkkAngel has attained level 18 to 37!
Disman has attained level 39 to 40!
Dyne has attained level 45 to 49!
Felix has attained level 34 to 42!
Fizban has attained level 19 to 26!
Martel has attained level 2 to 45!
Nailo has attained level 16 to 17!
Rory has attained level 34!
Shana has attained level 43!
Sweetangel has attained level 30 to 35!
Wort has attained level 2 to 7!

Player kills by mobiles

Akuria has been killed by Dierek.
DarkkAngel has been killed by Orc Fighter.
DarkkAngel has been killed by Goblin Warrior.
DarkkAngel has been killed by Goblin Warrior.
DarkkAngel has been killed by The enforcer eye.
DarkkAngel has been killed by The enforcer eye.
Dyne has been killed by A lizard man of the Scaly Death Tribe.
Fizban has been killed by Mrs Santa.
Fizban has been killed by whirlwind.
Hemlockz has been killed by the rabbit.
Hemlockz has been killed by the boar.


DarkkAngel bought A dirty root from Martel for 1 gold.
Dyne bought a fig from Fizban for 1 gold.
Dyne bought Dragon Piece from Ryu for 3 gold.
Dyne bought a condom from Ryu for 20 gold.
Dyne bought Sturm steak from Ryu for 1 gold.
Dyne bought Crush's Viagra Pill from Ryu for 3 gold.
Fizban bought a bag from Ryu for 30000 gold.
Fizban bought a bag from Dyne for 1 gold.
Martel bought A Bottle Of Beer from DarkkAngel for 500 gold.
Martel bought Blueberries from DarkkAngel for 300 gold.
Martel bought a stick of cotton candy from DarkkAngel for 300 gold.
Ryu bought the arm of Dyne from Dyne for 15000 gold.
Ryu bought a bottle of beer from Dyne for 10000 gold.

Best of the day:

Best Leveler todayMartel with 44 levels!
Most mob-killed player todayDarkkAngel with 5 deaths!
Most killed player todayDarkkAngel with 5 deaths!
Most victorious mobile todayGoblin Warrior with 2 kills!
Most spent on auctions todayFizban with 30001 gold.!
Most profit with auctions todayRyu with 30027 gold.!

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