The Daily Dizzymud Gazette

Saturday, 17 February 2007


Alric has attained level 85 to 86!
Amanda has attained level 88!
Bear has attained level 36 to 45!
Kamahl has attained level 11!
Lacey has attained level 2 to 15!
Lacey has attained level 2 to 15!
Lex has attained level 8 to 11!
Lidda has attained level 8 to 30!
Montrey has attained level 14 to 30!
Quark has attained level 72 to 77!
Rayne has attained level 65 to 66!
Rini has attained level 63!
Shana has attained level 2 to 15!
Shana has attained level 2 to 15!
Sweetangel has attained level 36 to 45!
Talisandra has attained level 43!
Xim has attained level 57!


Lacey has attained remort level 1!
Shana has attained remort level 1!

Player kills by mobiles

Arwynn has been killed by house.
Lacey has been killed by Emperor Palpatine.
Lidda has been killed by The enforcer eye.
Quark has been killed by Apocalyptic Templar.
Shana has been killed by Otto.

Best of the day:

Best Leveler todayLidda with 23 levels!
Most mob-killed player todayLacey with 1 deaths!
Most killed player todayLacey with 1 deaths!
Most victorious mobile todayApocalyptic Templar with 1 kills!

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