The Daily Dizzymud Gazette

Saturday, 06 February 2010


Akon has attained level 2 to 5!
Asriel has attained level 2 to 12!
Choriana has attained level 2 to 9!
Moria has attained level 9 to 14!
Nyaaa has attained level 66 to 67!
Soran has attained level 27 to 35!

Player kills by mobiles

Choriana has been killed by the dockworker.
Choriana has been killed by a marsh wolf.
Moria has been killed by A swordsman.
Moria has been killed by the Swamp Thing.
Raktin has been killed by A nomad merchant.
Raktin has been killed by The Royal Guard.
Raktin has been killed by the sultan's guard.

Best of the day:

Best Leveler todayAsriel with 11 levels!
Most mob-killed player todayRaktin with 3 deaths!
Most killed player todayRaktin with 3 deaths!
Most victorious mobile todaythe dockworker with 1 kills!

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